You can see how the sky will appear tonight, tomorrow, and even further into the future. You’ll also learn fun facts about the solar system and seasonal tours of the sky. SkyGuide and you will discover tips and tricks for navigating the sky as you explore with SkyGuide. You can create a list for a specific night, or a list that you wish to keep track of overtime. While a reflecting telescope can enhance colors, we are wary of cheap models that can refract sunlight in such a manner that stars show false colors.

Each image was originally taken at 12 arcseconds per pixel using a scientific-grade, custom-built AP9E CCD camera. It consists of approximately 20,000 images. The AllSky CCD mosaic was developed over five years. The AllSky CCD Mosaic overlay and data have been precisely mapped to Starry Night’s computer-generated stars. + High-Resolution Planetary Texture Collection Pro Plus 7 features five new Sky Survey images, from Planck and IRAS COBE as well as 2 Micron – these provide a completely different view of the sky and allow you to explore the relic radiation from the Big Bang.

These interactive multimedia tours provide a fascinating insight into the science and history behind the solar system, stars, galaxies, and the origin of time.

The SkyGuide pane offers over 100 interactive multimedia tours. You may also want to see all galaxies brighter than 9th magnitude in a single year.